1C1Y can overcome the social chasm that exclusive fashion usually creates. A year of support is an eternity in a child's eyes, so you're investing into a longlasting change for a young life.
Alpha Dia / Model, Philantropist
Wofür 1C1Y steht? 1 Child 1 Year – sprich mit jedem verkauften Kleidungsstück wird einem Kind die kreative Bildung für ein komplettes Jahr finanziert. Eine total starke Aktion.
Good Morning – I wanted to THANK YOU for a great message and supporting children – yet also having super quality products!!! I am a supporter.
Kate (Costumer)
Every time I was in Nigeria I saw the need to support kids with creative work and arts. 1C1Y does exactly that and to be part of this vision is a blessing for me.
Rose May Alaba / Singer, Dancer, Artist
1C1Y is everything in one: It combines my background as a social worker, helping less privileged children with my heart for justice and my passion for fashion.
Ben Dahlhaus / Model, Actor
I am passionate about making a difference with the clothes I wear and 1C1Y manages to both produce sustainably and with the highest quality and make a difference socially through the fantastic work of ArtHelps.