1C1Y ambassador Rose May Alaba wins Vienna Award
As ballgowns shuffle elegantly through the gold adorned ballroom, a glance at Viennas influentials speaks volumes of its diverse culture. A colourful community of all ages, has gathered under the claim "Be the change". An indispensable member of this society is our latest ambassador, vocalist, style icon and Vienna local, Rose May Alaba.

© Thomas Mandl
As she is handed the Next Generation Entertainment award, whistling and enthusiastic applause arise, confirming her important contribution to the openness and innovation of the national industry.
Rose May and family Alaba, dressed head to toe in 1C1Y, exemplify the spirit of change in culture and fashion, that is so desperately needed.
Our brand new female ambassador
As influential as they are, they have never lost connection to their Nigerian roots. A self established foundation, regularly supports social causes within their native community. Those who know the Alabas can confirm, the smile comes from within.
We couldn’t have asked for anyone better to be our first female ambassador, carrying Social Fashion into the world. Well done Rose!

© Philipp Enders